Spherexx Rent Push Revenue Optimization Reports Stabilized Gains During 3-Month Pandemic
A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilled Sailor
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Users Have Seen a Moderate Increase in Performance
The effects of COVID-19 across US and the world is unprecedented. Latest predictions include an estimated 200,000 deaths in the United States by election day 2020. It is far from over.
There are many opinions about the state of the US economy by the end of 2020, but none boast certainty of their predictions. Multifamily real estate management companies have fared well so far in this pandemic season as compared to other industries: rental collections falling not far from collections of the previous year’s as reported by the National Multi-Housing Council. These skilled sailors of the nation’s apartment dwellings are commended for their resourcefulness and dedication to owners and residents.
As shown in the above case study of a sampling of RentPush Revenue Management statistics across the US during this pandemic, our clients have seen a moderate increase in season-to-season comparison despite offices closed to the public, only video, virtual, or self-touring, additional labor hours for sanitation and unit preparations, excessive administrative tasks and more. All the while RentPush is doing its job evaluating, pricing and protecting the asset—one less thing for busy managers to do.
The Software Learns and Adapts to Each Asset
Spherexx RentPush Revenue Optimization was conceptualized in 2011 as an innovation in the yield management software arena. It was built to incorporate value opportunity by unit individuation, flexibility with stated consequences, building-block asset visualization, sleek navigation, multi-tiered access for distance conferencing, dedicated account management, operations impact factors, leasing accountability and accounting integrations with audit features. It was created with asset valuation as the ultimate goal.
RentPush learns and adapts to the unique operating rhythms of each asset and adjusts to and unforeseen disruptions: fire, flood, virus, etc. It calculates integral key performance indicators, economic indicators, forecasts outcome, and generates on-demand reporting.
Simply stated, RentPush knows when to decelerate price aggression in lieu of asset stabilization while maintaining a margin of growth with every leasing and renewal event working toward valuation.
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